Thursday, December 13, 2007


Now is the time to bring out the movie "PRIMARY COLORS" again !!! With the surprising announcement that was put out by Clinton's camp, you will see that the tatics are the same. It seems that Obama is inching ahead, so now is the time to start playing dirty.

With the campaign worker stepping down, it seems he was made the patsy. Now some of the candidates are going to play dirty. But I think people are loyal to their candidates, and it doesn't matter how dirty they play, it doesn't mean they will get the vote.

Sometimes they have a lot of anger against the storyteller. So I think this will backfire against the Clinton campaign. People don't care about what you have done in the past, it's what are you doing now, and what will you do in the future. It doesn't matter how much dirt a person digs up on a candidate, because they already know who they are going to vote for.

And it doesn't necessarily mean they are going to vote for Obama and Clinton. I like Ron Paul and Joe Biden. It seems that Huckabee is putting his foot in his mouth lately, so I don't know if I would vote for him.

I hope that everyone will rent this movie or read the book "Primary Colors" and they will know what a typical election is like, with all the greed, corruption, and deceit and lies.