Sunday, July 26, 2009


There should have been some iphone's and footage of the Gates/Cambridge incident. Many people would like to see the footage before it ends up in court to make an opinion.

If the disturbance happened outside the home, there could be some footage. I just can't believe that professor Gates brought himself to such a level. To make it so personal and to talk about some one's mother.

People said that their opinion of professor Gates had really lessened. There was a time when there was a special on public television and they couldn't wait to get home to see a Gates documentary.

This is not an isolated incident. This happens everyday in America. The officer might not have known who Gates was. It didn't matter who he was .I have asked people did they know who he was and they said no. I probably would not have known if I were not a genealogist. And I am a public radio and NPR fan.

But now I don't think I can ever look at one of Professor Gates documentaries ever again. I see him in a new light now. He took this event to a low level," playing the dozens ". Those are fighting words when you disrespect some one's mother.

Once I went to Vancouver and I was the only one detained from the plane. They questioned me and asked me why I was there and where I was going to stay. I told them at the Abbotsford Hotel and they said there was no such hotel. I gave them the phone number and they called and verified I was staying there.

That's when they let me go. I filed a complaint when I got back home and they called me at work and said that I shouldn't be upset. But my son and I were the only black ones on the plane. I just wondered how they found out where I worked and called me. I just said I would never go back there again.

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