Friday, July 3, 2009


I think this is the case. They are running scared. Many people are out of work now. When I visited an HMO lately. They had a flyer that asked their members to come and make arrangements to pay their bill. They are losing their patients.

Many people were paying 500 to 600 a month for their health care. So I think that if they don't want to go with the government health plan, they will get a concierge doctor. The fee is around 1500 a year and you get a complete executive exam. And from then on, you pay as you go.

There was some grumbling among members of the HMO that you could not have any pre-existing problems, or they might drop you for any reason. A young woman in Glendale needed a transplant and her HMO denied her, and she died. Another man in San Bernardino needed a certain surgery and they denied him and he died. They later settled with his family.

Maybe that's why the event was planned for the Washington Post and staff members from the Obama Administration and some members of congress. I think the lobbyists were going to have access to these officials so they could help write the government health plan. So big business was still going to have a hand with all things with the Obama administration.

When the word got out the event was cancelled. So this is transparency !!

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