Monday, June 15, 2009


Why is President Barak Obama dissing fat people ? He states " overweight people costs the nation's economy billions of dollars a year". Two-thirds of adults age 20 or over are overweight or obese.Thirty two percent of people are obese.

Talk show host Michael Savage advocates concentration camps for fat people. How can they be so cruel ? When New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson grew a beard upon withdrawing his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination , he said it was to "hide one of his chins"

Everyone cannot be of the same body composition as the president. Some people that are overweight feel perfectly healthy. But the president feels they are a drain on society and that's why our health costs are looming out of control. And he feels that obesity causes diabetes and numerous other diseases.


Anonymous said...

I did not vote for this president!!! You people wanted him, now you got him. Hope you enjoy the next four years of HELL!!!!

Della Smith said...

No one knows what a man will do once he becomes president. We can only believe that things will be better than the previous terms.

We can only believe what he promised in his campaign. People have to understand that the president relys' on his advisors. He doesn't make policy, he only signs them.

Anonymous said...

And you want government healthcare? Government healthcare is the final solution to get rid of fat people that will cost the system so much money.

Della Smith said...

I have no opinion on the government healthcare. But I know it will be a watered down version of the healthcare we now have. When my sister was touring with the Rolling Stones in Europe in 66 she fell off the stage and broke her arm. The hospital treated her and there was no charge.