Saturday, February 16, 2008


I knew these politicians were being dishonest. They are coming out with their true feelings. They should before they are exposed. That's why I say that the exit polls aren't accurate.

If we could see their voting ballots after they vote, everyone would be shocked. These politicians in Georgia were just being honest. They are scared. And when they run again, these young people might vote them out. They want to support Obama but they owe Clinton.

They can't stand up to their convictions. They are playing a game and straddling the fence. I am rooting for Huckabee to stay in there. I really want him to win. Many undecided people will just not vote at all or they might just write in the person they want. I'll bet Maxine Waters would support Obama if she didn't owe Clinton.

I remember the year we wrote in the name of Pat Paulson. I would like for Jerry "moonbeam"Brown to be president, but I know the party will not allow it. Even Kinky might have had some new ideas. We are tired of the smoke filled back room dealings.

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