Thursday, November 1, 2007


Don Imus is back on radio. I want to see who will agree to come on the show. I'll bet he is just waiting for his so-called friends to call him . He gave them all free rein and they could come on his show anytime.

But I didn't know he was alienated from all the co-anchors at MSNBC. He talked about them all bad. They were glad when he was let go.

What I didn't like was the way he let Bernard just get real nasty. And one of the guys call one of the Williams sisters a monkey. I guess he thought that if the words didn't come out of his mouth, he wouldn't be held responsible.

Charles was the only one I liked . He seemed like a decent guy and didn't get caught up in all that nastiness. Imus did a lot of good things, but the negativeness outweighed the good.

It seemed like the show was only hawking people's books ,and products and fundraising. But I liked the way he raised a lot of money for the veterans. And he brought a lot of attention to the Walter Reed saga.

I also liked the way he would call the politicians out. When he asked a question, he didn't want any double talk.