Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Jessie is envious of Barak Obama because he is loved by people all over the word. People from all over the world are rooting for him. Jessie never got the support as widely as Obama has.

The younger generation and Wall Street types are fully behind Obama.I think that Jessie and Sharpton are upset that they were not put on the payroll this election season.

Jessie has a lot of baggage that he probably thought Obama was including him in the mix when he was talking about Black men. If the shoe fits wear it.

Is Jessie going to enroll in the Republican Party and be a contributor for Fox News? It seems that way to me. I have not seen Jessie open schools in Chicago and New York to get kids off the streets. People forget about you fast.

These new breed of young kids do not rever or respect the older generation, especially if there was a scandal surrounding them. They figure that they can not tell them anything. I think Jackson should be trying to clean up his legacy.

Jessie's son is a very nice guy, and he will be a part of the Obama administration, I believe. I hope that Jessie is not a thorn in Jessie Jr.'s side when he runs for Mayor of Chicago.

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