Monday, July 21, 2008


The Clinton's tried to use their old formula in today's times. I was surprised to see so many young people from Wall Street backing Obama.We have a new breed of stock brokers today.

They are savy and smart.Clinton bought along a lot of baggage with the likes of Limbaugh raring to let loose, had she won the nomination.That's why they asked people to change their parties and vote for Clinton.

Some of the people were so stupid, they did just that, and their state would not let them go back to their own party.I am wondering why no one from President Clinton's administration would go out and stomp for Hillary.

I think President Clinton thought Obama would fall in line and let Hillary win. Those days in the past when the party asked people to step aside are over.The Republicans are known just for that.

I had always felt that Blacks who were saying they were in Clinton's corner, were going to vote for Obama all along. Their chips were being called in so they had to throw their support behind Clinton.

This is a difficult time,families and friends are at odds with each other. I was always bickering with them.Being an undeclared voter, it was comical to me.

I had never seen an uprising by young kids before. Not since the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention.Kids now have their own thoughts and beliefs about this election.

I am thinking that Clinton will go to the floor with her own delegates and put her issues on the platform.

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