Thursday, January 24, 2008


It seems like every election year, there is something on the ballot about re - negotiation of the Indian Gaming agreements. I for one am tired of hearing about it.

The Indians were driven from the Atlantic coast to Oklahoma in the Trail Of Tears .They walked for thousands of miles. Thousands of Indians died and were buried along the way. They were herded onto reservations.

They were forgotten about until they found out how to make money. They started with bingo. Then they graduated on to gaming. I think if a person wants to go down winding dark roads late at night to the top of a mountain with some people who leave the casino with too much to drink, it's o k .

After they were successful in gaming, the large corporations wanted a part of the action. So now the Hotel Corporations are partners with the tribes. The casinos and the card parlors don't want the Tribes to have a monopoly.

A county here in California voted for an increase in taxes after a fire a few years ago to get new trucks and equipment. The money was spent on a new station and salaries for fire and police. Every two or four years they try to get out of our old contracts and up the ante with the tribes.

The bonds that many states are floating are hard to insure, it will probably be the next subprime scandal. I have heard that there are McDonalds on some of the reservations. So now we don't have to worry as much about alcoholism, we have to worry about diabetes and kidney dialysis.

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