Thursday, October 1, 2009


How can Chicago protect tourists from all over the world, when they can't even protect innocent children going to and from school? It seems like these kids are being treated like collateral damage. Chicago has spent 100 million dollars for the bid on the Olympics.

I think it is in poor taste for President Obama and the First Lady to be cheerleaders for Chicago, when the Mayor isn't calling for federal help. These thugs should be tried as adults and tried under the Ricoh Act.Maybe federal prison time will send a message.

I shudder in horror as the elected officials pose for photo ops and smile as if everything is well in the city of Chicago. There needs to be rewards for film that was taken by cellphones to identify the perpetrators in these crimes.Kids are afraid to go to school for being attacked by mobs of their classmates.

A police official said there has been no tips or call from the public as to who these criminals were. I thought Chicago had a camera on every street corner ?

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