Thursday, November 5, 2009


It seems that they are being taken for a ride by those who will benefit from the failure of health care reform. Since most of the people have not been affected by the health care system, they don't have a clue. You only have to look at the scandal at Walter Reed Hospital and the deplorable conditions there. Imus got behind the movement to improve care for vets.

One would only have to view the Francis Ford Coppola's movie, "The Rainmaker" based on the book by John Grisham. The movie starred Matt Damon and Danny Devito.People are being told to vote against anything that Obama is for.

I think it is going to backfire on them. Things they are being told that will happen in the future, are happening now. I think we need reform but it shouldn't be shoved down our throats. And the lawmakers are not even reading the bill. And I think there are a lot of blank pages in the bill that will be filled in later.

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