Thursday, March 19, 2009


it seems to me that many Republican politicians are being held hostage by their own party. They cannot speak their own mind or speak independently. If they do, then they will not have the support of the party.

When I saw Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal give the rebuttal to the president, he looked like a deer in the headlight. He was stiff and seemed to be reading a speech that was prepared for him.

He was not the same Bobby Jindal I had seen many times before. He was very stiff and tense. It seems like some of these politicians are afraid of their own shadow and they don't want to rock the boat. The party has told people in the past they were not going to support them in upcoming elections,so they retire.

We have lost some good people because they would not get the fund raising and endorsements of the party. There are a few people that I thought might have been good presidents but did not have the support.

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