Saturday, August 23, 2008


Rick Warren told that Barak Obama is going to have to do more than" talk faith" to win evangelical votes, and compares an evangelical Christian voting for a pro-choice politician to a jew voting for a holocaust denier.

A reporter said that he didn't find a single church member who said he or she would vote for Barak Obama.

The whole thing was rigged. Obama knew the cards were stacked against him , but he could not turn the forum down if he is to be a President for all people.

Rick Warren is against abortion, and gay rights. But he is for the Iraq War.

Barak Obama is pro-choice, for gay rights and against the Iraq war.

So I guess Obama knew what he was against when Warren gave him the Judas hug and called him his friend. I'll bet it seemed like he was Daniel in the lions den, or Jonah in the belly of the whale.

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